Well, we've officially had our first hiccup! Remember a few posts back, we shared our fabric shopping trip to LA? The one that was pretty overwhelming and a little stressful? We thought we had made some great progress but I was recently trying to get some sample yards of material for our pattern maker and found out the ones we really liked were now unavailable! I so wish I had known how much of what we needed before our trip so I could've just gotten it right then, but of course not, that would've been too easy.
But OMG, is this really happening? This early in the process!! Lucky for us, we'd been planning to attend the LA International Textile Show on Monday but now we are basically starting over. We have to find everything we need THAT day. We have no choice, we won't have time to go back and our pattern maker needs all materials by March 7th! I'm pretty stressed out about this but I guess nothing comes easy, right? Something had to happen to give me a challenge. Come Monday, i'm going to be a mad woman on the hunt for the most amazing fabrics for the lowest cost out there, that's easy right? Haha! Wish me luck!!
I will get through this...I WILL GET THROUGH THIS! (Photo from Pinterest)
Follow me on my social media, i'll be sharing pics of the textile show and what I find! Also, till we launch our products, i'll continue to share my journey along with my favorite fashion finds, food (duh), great words of wisdom (my favorite memes, haha) and products that i'm loving! Be sure to follow me and subscribe to my blog!